Common challenges
Your symptoms may be similar to what they were in your childhood. You may have learned to cope, to mask your difficulties. You might have a supporting partner and have improved your relationships with friends and family. But the environment has changed; you now face new challenges and new responsibilities.
Adult ADHD is associated with:
Difficulties with relationships
Substance abuse
Frequent changes of jobs
Moving home location because of restlessness
Increased risk of road traffic accidents
Increase in driver violations (parking tickets, speeding fines etc)
Problem gambling
Unplanned pregnancy
Join our Information Sessions
It is so important to understand behaviours (including our own) before we try to manage or adapt them.
Our sessions are designed to help participants understand the condition and its comorbidities, and to explore how behaviours can manifest from them. We look at how these conditions can impact an individual’s or family’s functioning and ways to recover this functionality. We try to build resilience and emotional intelligence by developing strategies that suit our participants with them.
Our sessions are delivered as flexible six-session programmes by our most experienced worker, alongside one of our most trusted parent mentors. During the Covid-19 lockdown, these sessions are being delivered remotely, by video calls.
Below are two testimonies from our ongoing sessions:
“Honestly this has been unbelievably helpful, and [our parent mentor’s] support and input just added to the experience!”
“These FIS sessions were just what we needed to help us understand. You have got to the very essence of the difficulties! Thank you.”
Whether you’d like one-to-one support or to learn as part of a group, its up to you! Click the button to contact us about these sessions and we will arrange a time that suits you!