
What do you want to learn about today?


The causes of ADHD

What actually causes ADHD? Where does it come from? What is happening in the brains of those with ADHD? Does our upbringing and environment have an impact on our ADHD? Click on the image to learn more.



Most people with a diagnosis of ADHD have at least one co-occurring condition. We’ve profiled some of the most common comorbid conditions. Click on the image to learn more.


The three types of ADHD

Did you know that nowadays ADHD is generally thought of as having three distinct types of presentation? Click on the image to learn more.



We’ve gathered some of the most frequently asked questions about ADHD. Click on the image to see if yours is included.

Guidelines and information resources

There is plenty of questionable information on ADHD out there. Click on the image to find some that you can trust!


ADHD through the lifetime

It’s been a long time since we accepted that ADHD is not a disorder solely of childhood. In fact, most of those with ADHD as a child will retain at least some ADHD symptoms as an adult, and may even develop new ones! The ways in which ADHD can affect us differs dramatically throughout the lifespan, all the way up to old age. Click on the image to learn more.


Glossary of terms

Finding all these new terms a bit overwhelming? We’ve prepared some of the terms you’re most likely to come across on your ADHD journey. Click on the image to learn more.


Girls and women with ADHD

Though males and females with ADHD can have very similar presentations, there is now plentiful evidence that at a population level experiences of the condition vary between the sexes. Click on the image to learn more about the female experience of ADHD.


The history of ADHD

Did you know that the first descriptions of what would today be understood as ADHD occurred in Ancient Greece? Since then, our understanding of the condition has developed rapidly, especially in recent times. Click on the image to learn more.


Assessment, diagnosis and treatment

Finding it difficult to get to grips with the process of assessment, diagnosis and/or treatment for ADHD? We’ve done our best to make it simple for you. Click on the image to learn more.


Executive functioning deficits

Executive functioning deficits are at the core of what is distinct about the ADHD brain. Click on the image to learn more.